Wednesday 31 March 2010

Print Production 31st, March, 2010

I've finishes my print production booklet project and its turned out great. I'm just rewriting my evaluation with more detail to get higher marks.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

10th, March, 2010

Today I found more information to include in my document brochure on print production, I also
worked out how much my product would cost if I would sell it.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

3rd, Marh, 2010

Today I spent ages trying to find a document that I made in Photoshop, it's designed with an image of ocean waves and drops of water all around. This was going to be the front cover of my ebook that I'm making. I spent the rest of the day editing my evaluation of this course which is now complete.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Chris's class on Feb, 10th, 2010

Today I've learned how to search for images on a website called, I found plenty of images would be good to use as the front for my print production leaflet. I was also able to put the images into Photoshop and change them to the way I wanted them to look.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Update January 13th 2010

Today I've written up my evaluation sheet for print production